Very interesting! Indeed, mediatheoretic considerations by McLuhan are very well applicable to AI-driven artworks. Already his "medium = message" argument became refreshingly new in the light of AI experiments.
Interestingly, various and different art and theoretical movements from XX seem to have their apotheosa in the AI realms.
Dadaists reshaped the culture with their rebuilding and re-concepting new languages, by scrutinizing old approachs. With AI, especially being trained on human cultural heritage, we scrutinize the latter, by creating new semantical (and semiotic!) dimensions. I see the same disruption of culture in 2010-20ies like back in 1910-20ies by Avant-Gardists.
Walter Benjamin's Aura of an Artwork (in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction) becomes even contrary to his observantions of artwork being multiplied in the XX. century - from one side the ever-different AI contents (truly Library of Babel), creation of new ideas and truly auratic artworks through mechanical (re?)-production; fro another side NFT, which are - in age of digital reproduction, nevertheless, unique in their distribution.
Post-Structuralits (especially Barthes) were speaking about Death of Author, stepping back or creator and irrelevance of artwork provenance - and here we get fully new intertextuality of works, trained on millions of other works (be it textual or visual). I wonder what Kristeva would say about it.
Short, there are so many interesting aspects scrutinizing or suporting media and art theories (and practices) in fully novel ways.